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TRI launches High-Speed 3D AXI for Semiconductor Applications


[October 16, 2024 – Taipei, Taiwan] Test Research, Inc. (TRI), the leading provider of test and inspection systems for the electronics manufacturing industry, proudly announces the release of the high-throughput 3D SEMI CT AXI TR7600 SIII Plus, specifically designed for high-reliability electronics manufacturing, including the Semiconductor and Advanced Packaging industries.

Equipped with a Multi – High-Resolution configuration 2 µm - 20 µm, the TR7600 SIII Plus is an optimal addition to high-reliability electronics manufacturing industries such as Automotive, Aerospace, and Medical. The TR7600 SIII Plus delivers High-Speed Inspection tailored to the throughput requirements of OSATs (Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Test providers) and integrates AI-Powered Inspection Algorithms, including AI-Void Detection and AI Repair Station to enhance defect detection rates.

The TR7600 SIII Plus is capable of inspecting C4 Bumps, from 70µm - 140µm, SiP and Cu Pillars. The AXI can inspect large boards of up to 800 x 350 mm in size and 12 kg in weight, ideal for advanced manufacturing environments.

C4 Bumps Cu Pillar SiP AI Void Detection

The TR7600 SIII Plus integrates with Smart Factory production lines and MES, ensuring inspection traceability. The TR7600 SIII Plus supports current Smart Factory Standards, including the IPC-CFX, IPC-DPMX, and The Hermes Standard (IPC-HERMES-9852).

Please visit the following link below to learn more about the TR7600 SIII Plus:
About TRI

Test Research, Inc. (TRI) offers the most robust product portfolio in the industry for Automatic Test and Inspection solutions. TRI provides the most cost-effective solutions to meet a comprehensive range of manufacturing Test and Inspection requirements. Learn more at http://www.tri.com.tw. For sales and service information, please write to us at marketing@tri.com.tw or call +886-2-2832 8918.