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Investor Relations

Integrity Reporting System

Test Research, Inc. (TRI) Group (hereafter referred to as the "Group"), including all current branches, subsidiaries, offices, affiliates, and (or) other business organizations that will be established in the future at home or abroad, would like to reiterate the importance of business integrity between the two parties. The Group is dedicated to establishing a clean business environment and fostering an excellent collaborative relationship to conduct just, fair, and open transactions. The Group firmly prohibits any transaction involving corruption, bribery, or other illegitimate benefits. The policy also applies to all collaborative subcontractors (including personnel assigned by the subcontractors and other companies or personnel that offer services to the Group or third-party companies). The Group will not tolerate any action involving the offering or acceptance of kickbacks and commissions or similar behavior at risk to bribery. The Group has also requested all employees (including their family members, relatives, and friends) not to engage in improper exchanges of interests with the Group's suppliers and partners.

The Group has formulated the "Reporting and Complaint Policy", offering a reporting and complaint channel and a comprehensive process to handle each case. In the course of cooperation, if you discover any misconduct that violates the Group's integrity policy, please report using the channels below. The Group will handle each case in accordance with the law with zero tolerance. 
1. Reporting and complaint channels include the following:
    (1) Mailing address: Legal Affairs Office, 7th Floor, No. 45, Dexing West Road, Shilin District, Taipei 11158, Taiwan
    (2) Email address: fb@tri.com.tw
    (3) Hotline: +886-2-28328918 ext. 2119
2. The "Reporting and Complaint Policy" clearly defines the standard operating procedures for the investigation of reports and complaints. A dedicated unit is designated for handling, investigating, and responding to reports and complaints, and a whistleblowers’ rewarding policy is in place.
3. The identity of the whistleblower and the content of the reported case are strictly confidential. The whistleblowers are also protected from any retaliation as a result of reporting.